Forthcoming steam weekends (2024): 08 September 2024; 12-13 October 2024
Opening hours at other times: from 30 March 2024 to 26 October 2024 every saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Further information is available here.
12-13 October 2024: Herbstdampf


06.04.2024: Preparations for the spring steam event in full swing

Only four weeks to go until our first big event in 2024. How time flies! We all have our hands full with preparations for our anniversary event on May 4 and 5. We've already filled our steam locomotives with water to see if all the parts have survived the winter frost. The good news is that the water stays where it belongs.
Here, the tender of our steam locomotive 50 3570 is being filled with water.

In the driver's cab, you can see from the water column in the water level glasses that the boiler is also filled.

And to make sure that there is not even the slightest leak in the boiler, a colleague has climbed into the firebox and shines a light on the pipe wall. Fortunately, none of the pipes are leaking water.

And speaking of liquids. We have also started to fill up the emergency reserve in our drinks store. After all, we don't want guests to have to go home thirsty.

Just in time for the start of the season, we have already hoisted our flag at the gatehouse.

We proudly put our new lawn tractor into operation so that we can also make the lawns inviting before the event.

Our collection of bells continues to take shape in the outdoor area at the so-called Kohlenhof. Here, the last exhibits have been attached to the walls of the surrounding buildings, boards with explanations of the individual exhibits have been positioned and small trees have been planted. We have also set up benches so that our guests can take a rest.

In the engine shed, the welders and fitters were hard at work on the vehicles. All the workstations in the workshop were occupied.

We also used Easter Saturday for further training. After all, we operate first-class rail traffic with corresponding risks. In order to be aware of these and to avoid them as far as possible, there was a training course on the subject of "Coupling, shunting and safe parking of vehicles".

Apart from that, our beauties are waiting to get started and are already peeking out of their shed doors.

If you would like to book a ticket for our anniversary event at the beginning of May or one of the coveted seats in the EGP driving simulator, please use the following links. Please note that you need a valid ticket for the anniversary event to use the driving simulator.
Booking tickets:

Booking driving simulator:

We will inform you about further guest vehicles in about two weeks.
We look forward to seeing you!
Dampflokfreunde Salzwedel e.V. Am Bahnhof 6, 19322 Wittenberge