Forthcoming steam weekends (2024): 08 September 2024; 12-13 October 2024
Opening hours at other times: from 30 March 2024 to 26 October 2024 every saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Further information is available here.
12-13 October 2024: Herbstdampf


22.02.2020: Maintenance work in full swing

Preparations for the next season are in full swing. Firsta the vehicles: Emma's new coal box has been primed and we're now waiting for the air temperature to rise to a level that allows the green final coat of paint. She has to look pretty again by the first event.

Also our excavator T174 is now in the final assembly stage. It has got a new slewing gear drive and is currently in the adjustment and final assembly phase. It is great that it now works again without any problems.

One of the big diesel locomotives is also undergoing some maintenance work. The starter batteries of 118 748 needed fresh distilled water again. After they were installed again today, the battery charger was connected. Maybe we can take the locomotive to the next event ... ?!

The machine trolley is currently being repainted in our work hall. At the moment it is being reprimed and we hope for rising temperatures in the near future so that we can apply the final coat of paint.

Initial work has been done on our new addition, trailer 190 851. The front sides were partly cleaned from dirt and paint and windows were removed so that we can inspect corrosion damage. Unfortunately, it looks as if there will be a lot to do.

And finally to the work on the locomotive shed I. Finally the scaffolding has been erected, which makes it possible to work on the top of the wall. Since water has penetrated from above, the topmost layers must be removed and rebuilt. This will be carried out by a specialist company in due course. After that the roofers will come.

vehicles: Emma, 118 748-3, 190 851-6, Der Katastrophenzug

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Dampflokfreunde Salzwedel e.V. Am Bahnhof 6, 19322 Wittenberge