Forthcoming steam weekends: 12-13 October 2024; 03-04 May 2025; 05-06 July 2025; 14 September 2025; 20 September 2025; 04-05 October 2025
Opening hours at other times: from 30 March 2024 to 26 October 2024 every saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Further information is available here.
12-13 October 2024: Herbstdampf

Entrance lobby


The entrance lobby to our museum was earlier used as the signing-on point for footplate crews. Here they would receive their orders for the shift just starting and when the shift was completed they would sign off here too.
The room was previously divided into two: a wall, which had a large window, divided the room at the level of the projecting wall on the right-hand side of the picture. Behind this, the running foremen worked at arranging the day's tasks and allocating the locomotives for the day's programme. The footplate crews received their orders on the other side of the wall. Today the room is available for smaller functions for up to 50 people. Food, drinks and souvenirs can also be offered at functions.

zur Übersicht

Dampflokfreunde Salzwedel e.V. Am Bahnhof 6, 19322 Wittenberge