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Opening hours at other times: from 30 March 2024 to 26 October 2024 every saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Further information is available here.
12-13 October 2024: Herbstdampf


03.09.2019: VIPs visit Wittenberge Locomotive Depot

On Wednesday, September 3, 2019, we had high-profile visitors to the museum. Our guests were Dagmar Ziegler (SPD), Member of the Bundestag, Mayor Dr. Oliver Hermann and Karsten Korup, who brought good news with them: The museum can continue to invest in its listed buildings because subsidies totalling around 80,000 euros are to be provided, half by the federal government and half by the town.
The money will be invested in renovating the remainns of former loco shed I. Part of the outer wall of the former rotunda, which was a circular engine shed with an internal turntable, still stands with the steel roof construction. Walls and roof struts dating back to 1872 are now threatened with decay despite preservation of the existing building in recent years, so that restoration in compliance with regulations governing listed buildings is necessary. With help from local companies, the wall crowns will be protected against penetration by rainwater and the roof re-covered.
This work goes hand in hand with the activities of the society, which is demolishing some non-listed installations from GDR times, which converted the remains of loco shed 1 into a garage and finally into a scrap storage. All of these activities greatly support the museum's aim to gradually resurrect the rotunda, as far as this is still possible. As reported, some time ago the museum was able to acquire a suitable Parchim turntable from its own funds, which in the medium term is to form the core of the new facility. In a few years' time, it is the hope of those active in the museum that railway vehicles from the museum's collection will once again be housed there.
The following pictures show the condition in August 2019. Under the steel roof construction the walls of the former car workshop can be seen, which have now been removed.

The next picture shows the appearance of the locomotive shed in the 1980s, when the Wittenberge depot was still being operated by the GDR German State Railway.

If you like, you can get your own impression of the situation and the activities between 10:00 and 15:00 next Sunday, September 8, 2019. The museum can be visited free of charge on the Historical Monuments open day. For all those who cannot make this date, we recommend the normal opening hours of the museum every Saturday until the end of October or a visit to the big anniversary celebration on October 12 and 13, 2019.

Stichwörter: Infrastruktur

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Dampflokfreunde Salzwedel e.V. Am Bahnhof 6, 19322 Wittenberge