Forthcoming steam weekends: 12-13 October 2024; 03-04 May 2025; 05-06 July 2025; 14 September 2025; 20 September 2025; 04-05 October 2025
Opening hours at other times: from 30 March 2024 to 26 October 2024 every saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Further information is available here.
12-13 October 2024: Herbstdampf


05.12.2018: Diesel loco 232 500-9 bids farewell to Wittenberge

Committee and members of the Historischer Lokschuppen Wittenberge were disappointed to learn that the erstwhile owners of diesel loco 232 500-9, the Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn, had made the decision to sell it. On 5.12.2018, the locomotive left its former home of Wittenberge for an unknown destination, towed by an electric locomotive.

The society is naturally saddened by this turn of events, the collection losing an exhibit typical for Wittenberge. When in service with the German State Railways, it was often to be seen in Wittenberge as it was frequently in charge of the interzonal trains between Berlin and Hamburg. Nevertheless, there is a positive side to the story: we understand that the locomotive is to be restored to working order, to re-enter commercial service. And that is naturally good news for railway enthusiasts.
Looking ahead, the society is now taking advantage of the space left behind to renew during the winter the trackwork on No. 1 road, an important workshop road for us.

First, the concrete panels between the rails must be lifted. Then the rails can be lifted and the sleepers supporting them, many of them in a parlous condition, removed. We will therefore replace them with new sleepers, relay the rails and put the concrete panels back between the rails. The society is hoping to complete this work by the spring.
And who knows... we may well find a new exhibit. After all, there is a lively demand in the railway preservation movement for accommodation under cover.

Stichwörter: Infrastruktur

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Dampflokfreunde Salzwedel e.V. Am Bahnhof 6, 19322 Wittenberge