Forthcoming steam weekends (2024): 08 September 2024; 12-13 October 2024
Opening hours at other times: from 30 March 2024 to 26 October 2024 every saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.
Further information is available here.
12-13 October 2024: Herbstdampf


10.07.2024: Review of the summer steam event

Last weekend, we and our visitors were delighted with the beautiful weather that accompanied us to the Sommerdampf 2024. In total, we welcomed almost 1,000 guests to our event. Thank you for your visit!
This time there was no large class 50 steam locomotive under steam. Rather, the event was more under the star of the diesel fraction. There were our small locomotives of various power classes and our large diesel locomotives of the V180 and 320 series to marvel at, which have many admirers.

But we didn't want it to be completely without steam. We offered cab rides on our steam locomotive Emma. The other steam locomotives were also inspected by our visitors and many questions were answered.

The cab rides on Emma began and ended next to our museum signal box WM, which was also open to visitors. Many guests came to see how the points and signals in the museum grounds are set from here.

Our workshop was also in operation. In addition to the LGB railway, our shunting tractor from Breuer could be admired. It had been quiet for some time because other work was pressing. At the weekend, however, the engine, gearbox and cardan shaft were installed under the watchful eyes of interested visitors, so that we can look forward to its first use for the autumn steam in October 2024.

The trolley rides were also well received. Visitors had the choice between the yellow motorised trolley with Trabant technology or the hand lever trolley.

Of course, there were also souvenirs to buy and the colleagues from the transport police kept a watchful eye on everything

We would also like to thank the Potsdam railway company for making two class 151 electric locomotives available to us as exhibits at short notice.

30.06.2024: Beautiful prospects

Some time has passed since our last events and therefore our last report, so there is a lot of news to report today. Let's start with the most important:
Our summer steam festival is taking place next weekend in our museum. Young and old railway enthusiasts will be able to enjoy themselves on Saturdays between 10:00 and 17:00 and on Sundays between 10:00 and 16:00 (last admission one hour before).
We offer tours of the site in historic passenger carriages from the turn of the last century. There are also cab rides on the Emma steam locomotive.

Those who would like to work on the drive themselves can experience this on a trolley. Hunger and thirst can of course be quenched on site. The highlight of each day will be the vehicle parades, which take place at around 14:00 (Saturdays) and 15:00 (Sundays). Various functional exhibits from the museum will be shown in action.
Tickets are available on site at a price of €8 (adults) / €4 (children) / €20 (families). Free parking is available in the area around the railway station. Wittenberge is also easy to reach by train, with trains running every two hours to and from Hamburg, Magdeburg and Pritzwalk and hourly to and from Berlin.
This weekend, we prepared Emma for her next job and topped up all the fuel. We also used compressed air to remove dust and soot from the boiler pipes through which the hot air flows from the firebox towards the smoke box. Combustion residues are always deposited there during every use and hinder the transfer of heat into the boiler. After treatment, it is sure to produce plenty of steam again.

We also took advantage of the nice weather and mowed the lawn.

Visitors can also find out about our next project on site. This time it's about steam locomotive 50 3682, which was the driving force of our association for many years. Unfortunately, we had to withdraw it from service in 2019 because some damage had occurred that required more extensive repairs. We have now started work by uncovering the boiler. This is the part of the locomotive boiler in which the firebox is located. In addition, all the fittings on the driver's cab were removed so that they can be refurbished.

The so-called superheater elements were also removed from the boiler. These are coils in which the freshly generated steam is heated again to increase the efficiency of the steam engine. Removing them is usually a very arduous task, as the fastenings of these elements are usually so tight that they can only be loosened with heat and a great deal of force. In the end, you will definitely be looking forward to the shower (and a cold beer).

If you would like to see for yourself, our friendly colleagues will be happy to provide you with information. Perhaps you would like to join in? No problem, specialised knowledge is not required. Just don't be too afraid of getting dirty. And if you are, there are plenty of other tasks in the museum that will keep your fingernails clean. Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to seeing you. See you next weekend?
vehicles: 50 3682-7, Emma

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16.06.2024: Summer party at the historic locomotive shed in Wittenberge

Brandenburg's largest railway museum is celebrating its summer festival on 6 and 7 July 2024. Railway enthusiasts of all ages will be able to get their money's worth on Saturdays between 10:00 and 17:00 and on Sundays between 10:00 and 16:00 (last admission one hour before).
The railway enthusiasts offer tours of the site in historic passenger carriages from the turn of the century before last. There are also cab rides on the steam locomotive Emma. Those who would like to work on the drive themselves can experience this on a draisine. Hunger and thirst can of course be quenched on site. The highlight of each day will be the vehicle parades, which take place at around 14:00. Various functional exhibits from the museum will be shown in action.
Tickets are available on site at a price of €8 (adults) / €4 (children) / €20 (families). Free parking is available in the area around the railway station. Wittenberge is also easy to reach by train, with trains running every two hours to and from Hamburg, Magdeburg and Pritzwalk and every hour to and from Berlin. The historic locomotive shed is just a few minutes' walk from the railway station.

08.06.2024: Review of the NoHAB meeting on 1 and 2 June

Exhausted but happy, we look back on last weekend, when a total of 10 diesel locomotives from the Swedish manufacturer Nydqvist och Holm AB (abbreviated to NoHAB) gathered at our museum in Wittenberge on the initiative of the NoHAB-GM-Gruppe Deutschland e.V. association and attracted visitors from near and far to the town. There was a double anniversary to celebrate, as the first locomotive of the type on display was built 70 years ago. Some of the impressive diesel giants have also been operating for German companies for 25 years.
The organisers spared no expense or effort to bring as many of the still operational locomotives as possible to Wittenberge. Three of them came from Denmark, including the first locomotive of the type, which now belongs to the Danish State Railway Museum and is on display in Odense.
Three other locomotives came from the Altmark-Rail company in Oebisfelde. At times, they wore a mourning flag with the inscription ‘Thank you Micha!’. It commemorated Michael Frick, THE expert on these locomotives and co-owner of the company. To everyone's deepest dismay, he passed away unexpectedly about a week before the event. We would also like to take this opportunity to say ‘Thank you, Michael’, because without him this event would probably not have taken place.
Three other examples came from the company Cargo Logistik Rail Service (CLR) from Barleben near Magdeburg. The tenth example is now being used by the company Strabag Rail in construction train service.
We would like to express our thanks and respect to the organisers of the event, as it was a financial and organisational tour de force to bring the exhibits to Wittenberge. Hats off above all to those who pulled the strings in the background.
A total of 1,300 guests found their way to Wittenberge. We received absolutely fantastic feedback on the event, which we are happy to return. Thank you for your visit, your patience when someone was in the picture again and thank you for the behaviour of the vast majority of guests, who exercised the necessary caution in the area. There is still room for improvement with only a few of them.
We think that a varied programme was on offer. The locomotives were displayed in front of our engine shed and were presented in turn on the turntable. Some of them were also used for cab rides and for driving our harbour tours. On Saturday evening there was also a photo session at blue hour in the best evening light.
Here are a few photographic impressions of the event:
A little patience was sometimes required at the entrance

The wait was worth it, there were numerous photo opportunities for fans of the locomotives

Here is another picture from the driver's cab window during a round trip on the Wittenbergen harbour railway. The engine driver is on the right, the pilot, who knows his way around the harbour, is on the left.

There were illuminated motifs at the evening event

And finally, two atmospheric images from our drone

25.05.2024: Dieselgiganten im Historischen Lokschuppen Wittenberge

Mindestens acht historische Dieselloks aus dänischer Produktion werden sich am 1. und 2.6.2024 ihr Stelldichein im Historischen Lokschuppen Wittenberge geben. Aufgrund ihrer aerodynamischen Form werden die Giganten auch liebevoll „Rundnasen“ genannt, die vielen noch aus den Filmen der Olsenbande bekannt sein dürften.

Anfang Juni 2024 werden sich die imposanten Maschinen auf Initiative des Vereins NOHAB-GM-Gruppe Deutschland e.V. im Lokschuppen Wittenberge versammeln. Drei Loks befinden heute noch im rotbraunen Originaldesign mit dänischer Krone auf den Fronten, davon werden zwei Loks extra aus Dänemark anreisen. Die anderen kommen in vielen bunten Lackierungen. So ist ein Erlebnis für die Augen und auch die Ohren garantiert, wenn die bis zu 2.000 PS starken Dieselmotoren laufen.
Anlass für das Treffen ist das 70. Jubiläum der ältesten Maschine dieser Baureihe und das 25. Jubiläum des Ersteinsatzes in Deutschland. Frank-Marc Siebert, Chef der NOHAB-GM-Gruppe, dazu: „Das Museum mit dem historischen Lokschuppen ist ein optimaler Ort für eine solche Jubiläumsveranstaltung. Die Loks können auf dem Gelände bewegt werden und Pendelzüge in den Hafen ziehen. Unbedingt erwähnt werden muss das freundliche und erfahrende Museumsteam, ohne das die Veranstaltung nicht möglich wäre.“
Der Historische Lokschuppen in fußläufiger Nähe des Bahnhofs Wittenberge ist am 1. und 2.6.2024 jeweils zwischen 10 und 17:00 Uhr (Samstag) bzw. 10:00 und 16:00 Uhr (Sonntag) geöffnet. Neben einer Ausstellung der Lokomotiven sind Führerstandsmitfahrten im Museumsgelände und Pendelfahrten zum Wittenberger Hafen geplant. Eintrittskarten kosten jeweils € 14,- für Erwachsene und € 7,- (Kinder bis einschl. 15 Jahre) und sind vor Ort am Museumseingang zu erhalten. Eine Familienkarte ist für € 30,- im Angebot.
Für Eisenbahnfotografen gibt es am Samstag, 1.6., zur „blauen Stunde“ ab 20:00 Uhr die Möglichkeit, stimmungsvolle Fotos zu schießen. Die Eintrittskarten für diese Fotoveranstaltung sind vorab per Email an für € 60,- vorzubestellen oder am Museumseingang zum Preis von € 80,- zu erwerben.
Dampflokfreunde Salzwedel e.V. Am Bahnhof 6, 19322 Wittenberge